Marlin Lever-Action Rimfire

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Parts available for this firearm

Model Part Number Part Name Price Photo
39, 39A, 97, 39A-6 Carrier * 65.00
39, 39A, 97, 7F Carrier Rocker out
1891, 1892, 39, 39A, 91, 92, 97, 10G Carrier Rocker Screw * 7.00
1891, 1892, 39, 39A, 91, 92, 97, 9G Carrier Rocker Spring * 9.00
1891, 1892, 91, 92, 8G-22 Carrier Rocker, 22RF out
1891, 1892, 91, 92, 8G-32 Carrier Rocker, 32 RF out
1892, 92, 97, 11F Cartridge Guide Spring * 20.00
1892, 92, 97, 12F Cartridge Guide Spring Screw * 7.00
1891, 1892, 91, 92-(22RF), 10G Cartridge Stop Screw – (22RF only) for the flat formed stop * 7.00
39A, A39A-18/19 Cartridge Stop, bar type with coil spring OUT
1891, 1892, 1897, 92, 97, 18G Ejector Assembly, 22, new style .105 wide with spring ` out
1891, 1892, 92, 17G Ejector Assembly, 32, new style .094 wide with spring * 30.00
1891, 1892, 1897, 91, 92, 97, 25G Extractor – 22 out
1892, 92, 11 Extractor – 32 * 30.00
39, 39A type 1, 39A-26/27 Extractor Assembly, old style with angled flat spring * 35.00
39A type 2, A39A-27 Extractor, new style machined, type 2 * 32.00
1891, 1892, 39, 39A, 91, 92, 97, 29G Finger Lever Spring Screw * 7.00
56, 57, A57-28 Firing Pin * 30.00
1891, 14RF-22 Firing Pin – 22 * 30.00
1892 - early, 31G Firing Pin – 22 out
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1892, 1897, 39, 39A, 92, 97, A39A-32 Firing Pin – 22 * 32.00
39A, 39AS, 202299 Firing Pin – 22 RF – Post 1975, 39A variations * 30.00
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1891, 14CF-32 Firing Pin – 32CF out
1892, 92, 33G Firing Pin – 32CF * 35.00
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1891, 14RF-32 Firing Pin – 32RF * 30.00
1892, 92, 32G Firing Pin – 32RF * 30.00
1891 - early, 10G Loading Gate Screw – (early side loader style) * 7.00
1891, 1892, 39, 91, 92, 97, 39-49 / 50 Magazine Tube Asy, 22-Replacement-inner & out, w/band ` 85.00
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1891, 1892, 1897, 91, 92, 97, 39A-61 Mainspring – (old style 1/2 PG) * 45.00
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1891, 1892, 1897, 91, 92, 97, 57G Mainspring – (straight grip) * 42.00
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1891, 1892, 1897, 91, 92, 97, 58G Mainspring Screw * 7.00
1891, 1892, 91, 92, 62G Side Plate Screw with nut * 28.00
- - - 39A-69 Tang Screw * 8.00
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1892, 92, 97, 68F Tang Screw – (pistol grip) * DISC
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1892, 92, 97, 64G Tang Screw – (straight grip) * 8.00
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