Savage 340 Bolt-Action

On these model of guns, some guns have a suffix letter after the model, as possibly 340D. If there is separate NO suffix listed here, that means that the part listed will fit ALL of the variations

Savage also sold these SAME guns under the name Stevens & Springfield. If a Stevens it would have been a model 325 & if Springfield it would have been a model 840. Any suffix letter to the model usually designated some internal changes or would refer to calibers. Magazines are all the same within calibers.

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Parts available for this firearm

Model Part Number Part Name Price Photo
340B, 340C, 340D, 325A-55 Ejector Pin * 7.00
340B, 340C, 340D, 322-56 Ejector Spring * 5.00
340B, 340C, 340D, 340B-53C Ejector, 30-30, 9/16″ oal, pivoted part * 20.00
340D, 340E, 340-68 Extractor Spring, for 222, 223 Rem, small round plunger type * 12.00
340D, 340E, 340D-59H Extractor, 222, 223 Rem, small round plunger type * 28.00
325, 340, 340-59C Extractor, 30-30 * 20.00
340, 840, A340-142H Magazine Assembly, 222 Rem out
340, 840, A340-142M Magazine Assembly, 223 Rem out
325, 340, 840, A340-142C Magazine Assembly, 30-30, 225 Win ` 35.00
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