Winchester 1892 Lever-Action

On mainsprings, if there is no designation, the part will refer to a straight grip version

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Parts available for this firearm

Model Part Number Part Name Price Photo
55, 64, 94, 1394 Carrier Screw, 2 required 5.00
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53, 65, 92, 6292 Cartridge Guide Screw, 2 required 5.00
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53, 65, 92, 6692 Cartridge Stop Spring 8.00
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1892, 65, 92, 7592 Ejector Collar 5.00
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53, 65, 92, 2094 Extractor Pin 4.00
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53, 65, 92, 2365 Extractor, 25-20, 32-20 28.00
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53, 95, 1994 Extractor, 38-40, 44-40 out
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53, 65, 92, 2894 Finger Lever Pin 4.00
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92, 8292 Firing Pin, black powder, .106″ diameter tip, all calibers out
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65, 92, 3065 Firing Pin, smokeless, .070″ diameter tip 32.00
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53, 65, 92, 3564 Forearm Tip Screw, rifle, 2 required 5.00
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92, 8794 Front Band Screw, Carbine, 38-40, 44-40 5.00
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53, 65, 92, 13792 Hammer Screw 5.00
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53, 65, 92, 14092 Locking Bolt Pin 6.00
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53, 65, 92, 14192 Locking Bolt Pin Screw 5.00
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53, 65, 92, 15192 Magazine Follower, 25-20, 32-20 13.00
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53, 65, 92, 12094 Magazine Plug Screw, short 5.00
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53, 92, 17392 Magazine Plug Screw, small caliber, long screw 5.00
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53, 92, 17592 Magazine Plug Screw, takedown, small caliber 5.00
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53 small cal, 16653 Magazine Plug, 1/2 magazine solid frame button head out
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92, 16892ANL Magazine Plug, Carbine, no lip, full length screw, 25-20, 32-20 14.00
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92, 15694NL Magazine Plug, Rifle, no lip, 38-40, 44-40, full length screw 15.00
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92, 15692AWL Magazine Plug, Rifle, with lip and slot, 25-20, 32-20 19.00
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92, 18092 Magazine Ring Pin, solid frame, 25-20, 32-20 4.00
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92, 12394 Magazine Ring Pin, solid frame, 38-40, 44-40 4.00
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92, 17792 Magazine Ring Pinned, solid frame, 25-20, 32-20 35.00
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92, 12194 Magazine Ring, pinned, solid frame, 38-40, 44-40 out
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53, 92, 17992 Magazine Ring, Takedown, no pin, 25-20, 32-20 out
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53, 92, 17892 Magazine Ring, Takedown, no pin, 38-40, 44-40 out
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92, 20192A Magazine Tube, Carbine, 25-20, 32-20, 19 1/4″ 31.00
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92, 21092 Magazine Tube, Rifle, 25-20, 32-20, 23 9/16″ 40.00
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53, 65, 92, 5594 Mainspring Screw 5.00
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53, 65, 92, 5694 Mainspring Strain Screw 5.00
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53, 92, 10794 Mainspring, half pistol grip 40.00
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53, 92, 26492 Mainspring, half pistol grip, set trigger version 44.00
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53, 92, 10694 Mainspring, straight grip 38.00
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53, 92, 17994 Mainspring, Straight Grip, set trigger version 44.00
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53, 65, 92, 6464A Peep Sight Plug Screw, for tang sight, 1 required 5.00
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92, 15294 Rear Band Screw, carbine 5.00
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92, Fig 3R Sling Ring, saddle ring 5.00
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53, 65, 92, 7094 Spring Cover Screw 5.00
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53, 65, 92, 24292 Spring Cover, 25-20, 32-20 out
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53, 92, 24192 Spring Cover, 38-40, 44-40 OUT
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53, 65, 92, 24792 Trigger Spring Screw 5.00
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53, 65, 92, 8992 Trigger Spring, flat type out
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53, 92, 16694 Upper Tang Screw, for tang sight out
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53, 92, 16494 Upper Tang Screw, rear tang screw 6.00
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